

Yesterday was the world’s first chance to see all of the major GOP candidates for president on the stage (at two different times due to the sheer number of them) respond to puff ball questions from Fox News anchors. It was as far from a debate as The Bachelor is from dating. In fact, it could probably be argued that The Bachelor is closer to an actual debate.

Donald Trump did what he does best, steamroll interviewers and responds in a way to puff himself up. Every other candidate did what typical politicians do: ignore the question and reply with canned responses that poll well but provide no actual insight or solutions.

It seemed to have been sponsored by Facebook (and looked like speed dating sponsored by Facebook), but given the number of candidates and the one minute response time it should have been sponsored by Twitter. The bumper sticker length responses would have fit perfectly into a tweet and the entire “debate” could have been held online, complete with hashtags: #fatpig, #siamesetwins, #obamaclintondoctrine, #God, #defundObamacare, #myparentswerepoor, #I’mmoreconservativethantheothers, etc., etc..

Perhaps the next “debate” will be sponsored by Joel Osteen or the NRA. Wouldn’t that be fun. Except then too, we would be bereft of insight and solutions.

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